It’s time to brag a little bit. What are the chances you can do that? Of course, we all know people who brag a tad too much (so annoying)…and then there are those who don’t brag at all (even if they should)…As my Dad used to say to us growing up, “No one likes a show off.” Needless to say, that has wreaked havoc in my life over the years. Yes, another story completely! I will spare you the details!

We’re now at the point in our adventure through The Get Real Guide where we begin thinking about the (Triumphs) we have had in our work life. No matter what age we are, no matter what we do for a living, we have all had accomplishments that we need to be proud of, and be able to articulate clearly and concisely. When we are successful, it is often because we are applying our skills, natural talents and experience to achieve significant results. Analyzing your key accomplishments will help you understand the skills and natural talents that helped you achieve them.

Remember when I wrote about our Natural Talents and how important it is to understand what they are, and how important they are to our success? As we get ready to do our Triumphs exercise, we want to be certain we are acknowledging what those Natural Talents are. Let me explain.

Yeppers…it is time for some work. I know, I just can’t help myself, can I? I guess it’s the coach and/or nag (you decide your term) in me. As we walk through The Get Real Guide, we need to do some work along the way. Here goes:

Think back through your work life and your many accomplishments. List 5 of your most significant accomplishments. Now here is the important part – list the 5 significant accomplishments that you really loved achieving. We have all had accomplishments that –for many reasons-we do not want to repeat. Today let’s focus on those accomplishments you just nailed and loved doing. Think about them. Take a walk down memory lane. Smile a bit…remember who you were working with, the project, the environment, what were the deliverables? Why was it a Triumph?

Now, get your list and next to each accomplishment, write the skill/natural talent/trait required to achieve that item. Be very clear and concise. Take a look – what are the recurring patterns or themes? What are the skills and natural talents that are helping you be successful? Once you determine those…bingo…you’ve got the language you will need as you begin thinking about a job promotion or a new job. When you can articulate those skills and natural talents, the person you are talking to will be able to see and hear in your delivery the excitement, the energy, the confidence you have. People want to surround themselves with positive people. When you are talking about your Triumphs it is hard not to be positive.

Isn’t it fun just thinking about the good work you have done in the past? Go ahead…brag a little bit…just don’t tell my Dad!

Till the next time… Don’t Stop Believing!!!


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