
“Wherever you are, be there. If you can be fully present now, you’ll know what it means to live.” – Steve Goodier

January is the month when typically we reflect on the past year and make plans for the New Year. What did we learn from 2014? What can we do better, more of, differently in 2015? A very valuable exercise, indeed. But here’s the thing. Once that’s done and our goals are in place, we often spend so much time focused on how we’ll improve tomorrow that we forget to appreciate today.

Have you ever gotten to the end of a week and thought, “Whoa, this week is a blur, did I miss something?” Most likely, you did. Because you didn’t take time to, well, “capture the moment.” Think of all the magical moments you’re missing because you’re so focused on that next meeting, your quota for the quarter, or some other future event. That even carries over into our personal lives, where our calendars and personal devices are crammed full of social, family and personal development activities. And managing our connected futures seems to take our constant attention. Look around a crowd of people anywhere – what are 99% of them doing?

I’ve declared 2015 “The Year of Being Present”, and I invite you to join me. Here are 5 ways to do it.

    1. Pay more attention to the little things. A sunrise, a smile from a stranger, your child’s latest discovery, a “thank you” from someone you helped or coached.
    2. Listen. Really listen. Too often we are forming our response or thinking of other things when someone is speaking to us. Be in the moment and focus entirely on them. You will be amazed at what you’ll learn, and how good you’ll make them feel.
    3. Figure out what ignites your soul and do it. Often. Schedule it. Capture it. Repeat it.
    4. Say “thank you.” Always. We seem to run through our days so quickly that we forget to stop and say “thank you” to those who have helped in some way, or given advice, or shown a kindness. Be specific, and if possible, do it in person.
    5. And most importantly, have at least one belly laugh, every day. Laughter is an incredible stress-reliever and healer. And so powerful when shared. DO NOT miss the moments of laughter.

I’d love to hear your ideas about how to be more in the moment.

Here’s to an incredible and “Present” 2015!

Till next time,



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